Friday, May 11, 2012

summer forum tomorrow

Saturday May 12, 2012
Monadnock Intelligentsia
53 W Jackson Blvd

$40 6-7 pm Preview
$10 7-11 pm

Silent Auction. Bidding opens at 6 pm and closes between 9-10 pm. Email with inquiries.
Featuring artworks by Debbie Carlos, Caroline Carlsmith, Derek Chan, Katy Cowan, Paul Cowan, Stephen Eichhorn, Carson Fisk-Vittori, Pamela Fraser, Robert H...eishman, Michael Hunter, Rachel Niffenegger, Jesikah Orman, Tim Nickodemus, Deb Sokolow, Hans Peter Sundquist, and Molly Zuckerman-Hartung.
Check out the donated artwork HERE.

Also enjoy tunes by DJ Kate Ruggeri, a raffle for pies from Hoosier Mama, flowers from Field and Florist, and cocktails and appetizers.